Thursday, March 1, 2012


March first brought the third snow of the whole winter season in this area. And it came by the shovelfull. About a foot landed on patio over the course of 24 hours. My thoughtful neighbor shoveled about half of it, making huge hills which my "wonderful Wheaton" played "King of the Hill " of for a little while this afternoon. Not a lot of fun in that game without a challenger, but he enjoyed himself . I could not leave him out there very long because yesterday he went to get his spring shearing.

Now the wind howls and the plows are beeping as they clean out the driveways. It is early Tuesday a.m. so the shovelers will be around before long to make short work of the clean up. Rain is due on Saturday which might take care of it anyway.

In like a lion and out like a lamb, we can hope by April Fools' Day we will see the bare ground, which was bare until today, and the spring flowers will begin to come up again - for the second time if we are lucky. I am not sure what a snowless winter does to them. Some were already up quite a bit, crocuses (croci?) were blooming, the robins have been returning, and I heard the cardinals calling across the tree tops to one another.

The nice thing is the sun is higher inthe sky so all will be right again soon, and come 90 degree weather in July and August we will be wishing we had some of this snow again. RIght now, we are wishing "hurry summer."

Heating oil is over $4.50 a gallon; gas for the car is $3.80, closing in on $4 a gallon. Watch out, south of the Mason Dixon, we're all comin' just like you asked us to.

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