Here we are approaching the end of October, and the end of the hurricane season, and I heard today there is threatening weather in the Atlantic which may impact us early next week. I guess the weather gods did not get the message about November 1 closing the window on hurricanes.
The leaves are mostly down, the sky is brillian blue today. As I drove along Commerce Drive on my way home today, I noticed the oaks still have those dry brown hangers-on. They will be the last to fall, and will plague us maybe even after the first snowfall. And maybe will still be there, soggy, slippery and ugly come spring when the snow melts. But I think before the days when we raked so conscientiously (incidentally, I don't have to rake, the Ground Crew does it for me and my fellow Creekers) the dry leaves nurtured the ground they lay on.
As I drove out of Stoney Creek, onto Commerce Drive, earlier this week three lovely young does crossed in front of me from the pond side into the rather sparse woods between us and the Maine Veterans' Home. And on coming car missed what I meant for a signal to slow down, and very nearly had venison for supper. And a badly damaged car. That's the second threesom of deer I have seen in the last few weeks. BUT - today as I turned into my driveway I saw two full grown gray foxes crossing Stoney Creek Road. I have heard they are around. They are fully furred, very pretty (although not as colorful as the red fox which rests in the sun behind #1), and very healthy looking. I am not afraid of them having rabies, the raccoons worry me more and we have plenty of them also.
NOw why would they be so close to a "colony of 30 condos" ? The burgeoning building in Scarborough is taking out the woods and the town deems it necessary to make every open field into a ball park. More clearing and more building is taking place as I write. And much more is to come. Scarborough needs to start thinking "up" now low and sprawling.
I am going on a three day hiatus to connect to more music enthusiasts, but before I go I need to do a number of things. Shorten a pair of pants, decorate a pair of old shoes with frilly pink yarn (to wear instead of slippers for "pajama party" night, and maybe dash of a bit of a music blog about Steve Lawrence. I'm feeling pretty positive about gettingit all done, and if I remember to pack my shoe horn and music glasses, I'll be all set.
Meanwhile, I'll take a few minutes to look up from my patio at the moon because tonight is clear and no one knows what tomorrow will bring. And if I am out this afternoon again, I'll look up to see if the red tailed hawk that circles over head nearly every day is still up there enjoying the up-drafts. It's a good day to be me in Maine.
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